Welcome to Pickleball 603!

New England’s premier dedicated indoor and outdoor Pickleball facility!

Pickleball 603 is a private, member-based, climate-controlled facility, which boasts six indoor tournament sized Acrytech Pickleball courts, six outdoor tournament sized Acrytech Pickleball courts, large locker rooms with showers as well as ‘The Kitchen’ by JTAPS, a full service restaurant and bar, Pro Shop, instruction for beginners and coaching for all levels, leagues, ladders, court rental, tournaments, and more!

Convenient Location

Conveniently located in East Hampstead in southern New Hampshire, adjacent to Hampstead Health and Fitness, Pickleball 603 is be easily accessible to all New England players.

→ 30 minutes from Manchester NH

→ 45 minutes from Boston MA

→ 1 hr 45 minutes from the White Mountains or Providence!

Membership Options

Check out our Membership Plan options. Join for great savings and benefits!

There are programs available for for all ages, beginner to advanced, including one-on-one and group instruction, leagues, club tournaments, sanctioned tournaments and fun filled events! All this and more so that you can expect the best Pickleball experience possible! We’re so excited to bring a World Class Pickleball Facility to New England!

Don’t Know How to Play Yet or
Want to Improve Your Game?

We understand you may not want to join until you know how to play pickleball. We have numerous options for members and non-members who want to learn to play:

1) Pickleball 101
This is a 2-hour, single session with PPR Certified Pros that will put you on the court, help you learn the basics of the game. If you decide you like it, you may want to move into our 4 week Improver Clinic:

2) 4-week Pickleball LEVEL 1 Improver Clinic!
If you have completed our Pickleball 101 class, or you’ve played a bit but would like to become more comfortable, then this Level 1 Improver Clinic is for you.

3) 4-week Pickleball LEVEL 2 Improver Clinic!
Also available to Non-Members.

If you have completed our Level 1 Beginner Clinic
then this LEVEL 2 Improver Clinic is for you.

Call us for more information or email Bennett@pickleball603.com to register.

Photo taken December 8, 2023 – Day before official opening!

Frequently Asked Questions

Pickleball is an indoor or outdoor racket/paddle sport where two players (singles), or four players (doubles), hit a perforated hollow plastic ball over a 36-inch-high net using solid-faced paddles. Opponents on either side of the net hit the ball back and forth until one side commits a rule infraction. More on Wikipedia »

  • A fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong.
  • Played both indoors or outdoors on a badminton-sized court and a slightly modified tennis net.
  • Played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes.
  • Played as doubles or singles.
  • Can be enjoyed by all ages and skill levels

Read more on USA Pickleball.org »

The appearance of a pickleball court, and the manner of play, resembles tennis, but the court is the size of a doubles badminton court, less than a third the size of a tennis court. Court lines and rules are specific to pickleball and include two 7-foot areas (2.1 m) on either side of the net known as the non-volley zones, where the ball cannot be hit with the paddle unless the ball bounces first.

The official rules specify side-out scoring, where only the serving team can score a point. All serves are made with an underhand stroke.

The hard plastic ball used in pickleball produces significantly less bounce than softer flexible balls, such as a tennis ball. The minimal bounce combined with the non-volley zone and underhand serve give the game dynamic pace and strategy ranging from soft dink shots that stay within the two non-volley zones to powerful drive shots and overhead smash shots.

To minimize any advantage the serving or receiving side might have at the beginning of the game, the ball must bounce once on each side of the net before either team may volley the ball, which is to hit the ball in the air before it bounces.

Learn more on USA Pickleball.org »

Read Summary of Rules on USA Pickleball.org »

  • Pickleball is played either as doubles or singles; doubles is most common
  • All serves are made with an underhand stroke
  • The serve is made diagonally crosscourt and must land within the confines of the opposite diagonal court
  • Only one serve attempt is allowed per server
  • Both players on the serving doubles team have the opportunity to serve and score points until they commit a fault
  • Points are scored only by the serving team
  • Games are normally played to 11 points, win by 2
  • Tournament games may be to 15 or 21, win by 2

Download the official Rulebook on USA Pickleball.org »

If you’ve just started playing pickleball you may be confused by some of the funny terminology used in the sport. Here is a complete list of lingo used in pickleball – including terms use to describe the court, equipment, scoring and other slang you might hear while playing the game.

View the list of terminology »

A standard pickleball court is 20’ wide and 44′ long. A court is the size of a doubles badminton court, less than a third the size of a tennis court. Court lines and rules are specific to pickleball and include two 7-foot areas on either side of the net known as the non-volley zones, where the ball cannot be hit with the paddle unless the ball bounces first.

By designing a Pickleball specific building we’ve eliminated the common irritations associated with most places where the game is played today. PB603 will have tournament sized courts with permanent nets means 7’ side-courts and 10’ back-court that are completely fenced and surrounded by large walkways and sitting areas. This means no players from other courts crossing your court at any time and no balls entering your court in the middle of the best rally of the day!

If you search for “Pickleball” anywhere online you will see just how popular the sport has become! Pickleball is now the fastest-growing sport in America for the third year running.

From CNBC: “Pickleball popularity exploded last year, with more than 36 million playing the sport” (Jan 5, 2023)

From Pickleheads: The Numbers Behind America’s Fastest Growing Sport in 2023 (Feb 24, 2023)

Everyone! Pickleball is a great game for everyone of all ages, and all skill levels! PB603 will be serving players of ALL skill levels, from true beginner to 5.0.

  • A new player can start enjoying the sport at the first introduction
  • People of varying ages and physical abilities can enjoy the game together
  • The sport is relatively inexpensive to start playing if a public court is available
  • A strong social aspect has developed within the sport
  • Experience in other racket sports can easily transfer to pickleball
  • Competitive players find the strategic aspects of the sport an exciting challenge

A-list celebrities and professional athletes are also getting the pickleball bug: Tom Brady, Patrick Mahomes, LeBron James, Drew Brees, and Gary Vaynerchuk have all made investments in professional pickleball teams, spreading exposure of the sport.

The game was created in 1965 on Bainbridge Island, Washington, at the summer home of Joel Pritchard. Pritchard and two of his friends, Barney McCallum and Bill Bell, are credited with devising the game and establishing the rules.

One Saturday afternoon in 1965, Pritchard and Bell attempted to set up a game of badminton with their families, but no one could find the shuttlecock. Pritchard and Bell challenged their kids to devise their own game. The adults and kids ended up at the badminton court and began experimenting with different balls and rackets, including table tennis paddles. The 5-foot badminton net was eventually lowered to hip level to accommodate driving the ball.

Read more about the History on USA Pickleball.org »

Read more the USA Pickleball Player Skill Ratings rubric that provides specific skills needed to achieve each level of player rating.

Read more on USA Pickleball.org »

Online Member Registration is now open! Click here to sign-up »

Please review our Early Membership options below. Join early for great savings and benefits!

Read more about our
Membership Options

When the facility is completed and opened, you will be able to book a court either online at this website, or by calling the front-desk.

Yes! There will be programs available for for all ages, beginner to advanced, including one-on-one and group instruction, leagues, club tournaments, sanctioned tournaments and fun filled events. Stay tuned for more details as we work them out.

Read about our open play,
leagues, ladders and more!

Read about our Instruction
Programs for all Levels

Yes! ‘The Kitchen at JTAPS’ Restaurant & Bar
A full service restaurant and bar, offering great tapas, pub food & cocktails, mocktails, beer & wine! We are still working on the design and menu of the full-service restaurant and pub ‘The Kitchen at JTAPS’ that will be the centerpiece of social gatherings of pickleball friends to share highlights and lowlights after games over good food and drinks.

Amenities will include ‘The Kitchen’ Restaurant & Bar, large locker rooms with showers and changing rooms, Pro Shop with demo paddles

Yes! We do plan to offer corporate events and private parties. Stay tuned for more details as we work them out.

A couple of paddles, a ball and a net, and you’re ready to get started. We will be have high-quality demo paddles available for beginners to borrow to tryout and decide if they like it. How to choose the right paddle for you »

Players wear just about anything comfortable and appropriate for the climate: athletic shorts, sweatpants, wicking apparel, t-shirts, etc. However, TENNIS / COURT SHOES are required, street shoes are not allowed.

PB603 will also have a Pro Shop where you can buy paddles, balls, and apparel.

Site work began in early December 2022 and we are excited to see steady progress. We are on schedule, and our target open date is late summer or early fall. The facility will be open 7 days a week. Exact opening times is still TBD, so stay tuned. Sign-up to receive updates!


Follow us on social media for the latest updates and developments!

Some photos are temporary stock photos and not representative of facility.

© 2025 Pickleball 603. All rights reserved. All photos are temporary stock photos and not representative of facility.